This 1-hour Offer Evaluation Workshop will take you through the ins and outs of college admission and financial aid offers and equip you with the tools to evaluate your offers and make the best decision as to what offer to accept and decline.

In the workshop you will learn:

  • What factors to consider when evaluating admission offers.
  • How to calculate your true college costs.
  • How to understand the sometimes confusing terms on financial aid offers.
  • How to evaluate financial aid offers.
  • What to do if your financial aid package is inadequate.
  • How to avoid the pitfalls of unfavorable loan terms.

Your instructor for the workshop is Dr. Faith Okpotor.

Date: April 20, 2024

Time: 3pm ET (Convert to your local time zone here)

By making this payment you agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. The fee for the service is non-refundable and non-transferable to another person. If you are unable to attend the scheduled Zoom workshop you will get access to a recording.

2. We do not make any guarantees about specific results. We provide sound guidance, and you implement, with the expectation of success.